Ticket Delivery API

The Delivery API lets your applications deliver and update several types of e-tickets to your customers. Tickets get delivered via e-mail or directly to your App via SDK. We also support Apple Wallet, Print@Home and e-tickets via Responsive Web App.

API User Guide

  1. Create an account
    To get started you first need to create a business account (for sandbox access visit sandbox).
  2. Copy API key
    Navigate to „settings“, chose the tab „applications“, open the section „API Keys“ and copy one of your keys.
  3. Deliver your first ticket
    Do a POST request to https://api.keyper.io/admin/containers (sandbox: https://sandbox.api.keyper.io/admin/containers).

    Add the following headers:

Authorization: AUTHTOKEN auth_token="ENTER YOUR API KEY FROM STEP 2"
Content-Type: application/json

Set the ticket information in the request body (replace all external_*_id with your values). This sample body contains all the required (minimum) data to deliver a ticket via keyper. There are a lot more properties to set like a seat, area or salestype for the ticket, pictures for the event or a support email address for the event organizer and many more. For more information please have a look at our delivery api.

    "containers": [{
        "ticket": {
            "tickets": [{
                "external_ticket_id": "IDofTicketInYourSystem(MustNotChange)",
                "barcode": "123456789",
                "price": 35.9,
                "currency": "EUR"
            "event": {
                "external_event_id": "IDofEventInYourSystem",
                "name": "Name of the event",
                "start_date": "2022-10-23T11:15:00+02:00",
                "organizer_ref": "ReferencesExternalOrganizerID",
                "location_ref": "ReferencesExternalLocationID"
            "organizer": {
                "external_event_organizer_id": "IDofEventOrganizerInYourSystem(ReferencedByEvent)",
                "name": "Name of the event organizer",
                "country_code": "AT"
            "location": {
                "external_location_id": "IDofEventLocationInYourSystem(ReferencedByEvent)",
                "name": "Name of event location",
                "country_code": "AT"
            "event_ticket_data": [{
                "external_event_id": "ReferencesExternalEventID",
                "external_ticket_id": "ReferencesExternalTicketID"
        "type": "Ticket",
        "process_info": {
            "payment_state": "paid",
            "send_type": "immediately",
            "to_user": {
                "email": "[email protected]"
       "external_reference_id": "IDofOrderInYourSystem"

If you are having trouble with the api or want to help us improve our service contact us immediately via keyper developer support.
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